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Bachelor of Business Administration

Explorer Different Career Opportunities for a Bachelor Degree of Business Administration Graduate

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration degree has remained one of the most popular courses in the past several decades especially after the onset of globalization. The degree is all about the management of people. Students studying under this course often choose a specialization that determines the career options that will be available to them after graduation.

Career Possibilities

1. Human Resources Manager

A human resources manager takes charge of managing the employees of a company in which common tasks are recruitment, guidance, and direction. He will be in command of hiring new employees and setting the minimum standards that should be met before an applicant is considered qualified. He will also be the head of compensating the employees in terms of salary and retirement benefits. Performance evaluation and review as well as organizational improvement also fall under the list of tasks. He is also tasked with improving the general status of the employees and easing the channels of communication.

2. Human Resources Generalist

A human resources generalist is a more hands on version of a human resource manager. He is focused at improving the quality of the company’s manpower. This involves screening of applicants through interviews, written tests, etc. He will also orient new recruits to introduce them to the company. He will also be the main man in charge of training the newly oriented personnel. He will study the current policies and regulations of the company concerning employees and make suggestions for their improvement.

3. Employee Benefits Manager

This is the most complex occupation a graduate of Bachelor of Business Administration can take. The employee benefits manager will be in charge of the development, improvement, and administration of the company’s employee benefits program. This program includes not only the retirement benefits of an employee but also its pension plans as well as life and medical insurance policies and any other benefit he is entitled to. The manager is also to do research and attend employment benefit seminars regarding the various options offered by the government or any other agency. He is also to devise ways to improve the amount and proceeds of the program. He should also provide counselling for employees nearing their retirement age or have made known their desire to end their relationship with the company.

This particular job is very complicated because it is constantly subject to numerous changes. Insurance and pension laws and policies are constantly changing and the benefits manager should always be up to date. Available options also tend to come and go and he should be able to make the most out of the available ones.

4. Occupational Analyst

The improvement of employee relationships is the primary task of an occupational analyst. He is to perform research and evaluations on the current occupations and create plans to improve them and integrate them with each other. He is to innovate the classification system of occupation and provide ways to implement and maintain those innovations. He is to make the details on the abilities and basic information of the workers easily accessible and interpret able. Surveys and studies are the most common tools used in this profession. He is also to create reviews and reports in various forms such as books, diagrams, charts, etc.

5. Human Resources Development Specialist

A human resources development specialist, is tasked with the duty of making sure that the company is constantly staffed with adequate and competent personnel. He or she is to conduct performance evaluation, and set standards that should be met and maintained.