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Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology

What is Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology

Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology

Traces of construction engineering can be found in every modern city and sometimes even in the towns and provinces. Its handy work includes airports, bridges, dams, large buildings, railways and many more. The field covers not only the completed structures but also how the materials were chosen and put together. Planning and all other stages of the construction also fall under the said field.

Educational Requirements

Putting a building or any other infrastructure together covers not just the planning and putting together of the materials. It also includes managing the construction workers and making adjustments to solve unforeseen problems. This is why a Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology includes the study of both construction engineering and construction management. Just keep in mind that a construction engineer can take the job of a construction manager but a construction manager cannot take the job of a construction engineer. This is because the engineer has the management knowledge and skills necessary fill in for the manager but the manager does not have the necessary knowledge and skills to fill in for the engineer.

Construction engineering is all about turning a blueprint into a realized infrastructure. Oftentimes, a professional with the necessary vision such as an architect will be the one making the design and blueprint and the engineer will do the rest to bring the design to life. Some skilled engineers however are also capable of making designs and blueprints. The engineer is responsible for the selection of the materials and the selection and implementation of techniques and equipment that will make the project work.

The Challenge

The architect can be viewed as someone issuing a challenge while the engineer can be viewed as the one accepting the challenge. The architect can make a blueprint with a very difficult design and it will be up to the engineer to make it happen. There are many world famous structures and monuments that at first were thought to be impossible to build but engineers eventually found ways to accomplish them. This is why engineers should be able to analyse the situation quickly and adequately and then utilize critical thinking to come up with a solution to the problems.

Problem Solvers

The ability to find ways to make the most complex designs a reality is the reason why engineers are considered problem solvers. They our given a target such as appearance, functionality, strength and toughness, useful life, and more and it is up to them to find or create means of reaching that target. This is why they should also possess a very creative imagination as sometimes the answer to the biggest problems can come from the most unexpected sources. Their imagination should however be limited to attainable things which demand a huge need for deep knowledge in math and science. The most creative plan is worthless if following it is impossible.

Common Courses

The standard subjects that should be included in a curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology should include but is not limited to:

  • Construction Management

  • Engineering Design

  • Engineering Mechanics

The said subjects should also be accompanied by adequate hours of on-the-job training. The entire degree takes five years to obtain and after that the individual should take and pass the Professional Engineers Licensure Exam to be able to acquire his Professional Engineer License. The exam may require specific reviews and refresher courses because it will include questions about all fields of construction engineering.

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Bachelor of Computer Information Systems

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems Degree Possibilities

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems

 We are in the modern age where almost everything can be run using computers. This is why the demand for computer related courses has skyrocketed in all corners of the globe. All universities and most colleges now offer a degree course in Bachelor of Computer Information Systems and graduating from it will ensure a student an easy time getting employed as jobs relevant to it can be found at almost every corner. The dynamic environment resulting from innovations and advancements that regularly occur in the said field will always keep your work life exciting and fresh.

Three Levels of a Bachelor of Computer Information Systems Degree


This level of study can be completed in just two years during which the fundamentals of the various fields of the information technology are learned. These two years will include theoretical discussions and computer work. The curriculum may vary depending on the approach and strategy of the university or college and may include but is not limited to the following.

  • Computer Networking

  • Computer Program Design

  • Data Structures

  • Database Introduction

  • Software Development

This degree of study is perfect for those who do need to get employed in the soonest possible time. It will make the student eligible for numerous positions such as computer scientist, database administrator, systems analyst, and a lot more. An associate’s degree will allow you to enter the world of information technology.


This degree of study adds two more years to the two study years of an associate’s degree making the program last a total of four years. This will also include specialisation in which the student will be more focused on a particular filed of his choosing. This is the best option for those who have a specific information technology related job they want to obtain. The courses will depend on the specialisation the student is pursuing and may include any combination of the common IT courses namely Business Communications, Computer Operating Systems, Database Management, Information Technology, JAVA Programming, and many more. The positions that may be filled by these bachelors are but not limited to:

  • Computer Security Specialist

  • Computer Support Technician

  • Data Communications Specialist

  • Network Administrator


This degree of study can be attained by studying for two more years after receiving a bachelor’s degree. The student will choose a specific field in which he will put all of his focus. He is also required to conduct a study and present the results of his thesis to a defense panel. It is up to him to convince the panel that he is able to contribute as a master of computer information systems. The courses that one may encounter in her quest for a doctor’s degree are but not limited to the following:

  • Computer Applications

  • Information Security

  • Networking Theory

  • Troubleshooting


This is the highest degree attainable and it requires a master to complete four more years of study. The student will once again focus on only one particular field. It may be the same or different from the field he chose in his master’s. The professions that come with a master’s degree are but not limited to:

  • Managers

  • Network Specialists

  • Researchers

  • Teachers

An individual can opt to take up all four degrees continuously or take them with time interval. He may also choose to practice work after the associate’s degree so he can earn while completing his bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree. Many experts advise getting different fields for your master’s and doctorate so you can be more flexible.

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Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Land the Hottest Job in America with Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Software EngineeringNumerous magazines have listed software engineering as one of the most rewarding jobs in the United States. Every statistic shows that is the best career option available. The demand for the job continues to grow at a steady rate, the pay is very high, and it is very flexible and the employment possibilities are diverse. It definitely is everybody’s dream job.

Solitary Profession

A student planning to enrol under a course of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering should be aware that the profession has one of the highest solitude levels. It is therefore the best path introverts who prefer to avoid contact with others can hope to take. A software developer spends almost all of his work time alone. Even when part of a team the interaction with the other members would involve mostly reporting of progress of your individual tasks and the overall progress of the project. Most of your time will be spend creating codes and testing them.

Innovative Thinkers

Outstanding analytical and critical thinking skills are necessary for a software engineer. He needs to be versatile and be able to keep up with the constant changes in programming languages and the steady advancement of technology. He needs to be able to think outside and box and have a very wide imagination. He should always aim to create software that surpasses its predecessors. He needs to have deep knowledge in math and computer sciences that will enable him create meaningful and efficient software and applications.

Brilliant Troubleshooters

Holders of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering degrees are amazing problem solvers. They are quick to detect errors in software and are fast to troubleshoot the problem. Most of the time, developers are separated from testers to allow them to further their mastery of their field. There are however also times when the developer is the one testing his own creation.

Flexible Hours

Most software engineers earn a living at a work from home basis. This means that they are able to work at their most convenient time. Most prefer an output method of performance evaluation in which they can work whenever and how much they want as long as they meet their deadlines. The only time you would need to leave the house for work is during meetings and collaborations. If you are a fast worker and a good time manager you can even work on two or more projects from different companies at the same time. This will greatly increase your earnings. If you want to be flexible in your time and day of work then this career path is perfect for you.

High Level of Compensation

IT and software related jobs are the highest paid in today’s modern society. Skill and experienced software engineers can earn a bare minimum of $100,000 per year which is several times higher than the average wage. Those with a good portfolio can even earn up to $120,000 per year. Those with moderate skill and experience can earn no less than $70,000 while skilled beginners can start at around $50,000. The nature of business of the employer can also add to or subtract from your compensation.

High Job Demand

Software engineering is one of the most sought after professions in America. The demand for software engineers continuous grow at an amazing rate. The trend is not expected to change in the near future which means that if you start taking a degree program today the demand will still be high even after you complete the course.