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Bachelors of Science in Environmental Studies

The Necessity for Students to Graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies Degree

Bachelors of Science in Environmental StudiesPreservation of the environment and conservation of resources has never been this urgent. The call for sustainability has never been louder. Supporters of green technology and green practices are continuously increasing in number at an outstanding rate. The growing awareness that the very ability of the planet to support life may be hanging in the balance because of man’s irresponsible stewardship has caused great alarm especially to environmentalists. Both local and national governments have become stricter with their handling of environmental compliance certificates and international bodies such as the United Nations have intensified their campaign for environmental awareness.

Environmental Degree Programs

Environmental degree programs such as Bachelors of Science in Environmental Studies have become more in demand due to the growing drives for sustainability. All business entities are now in need of knowledgeable individuals to help them in their transition to greener alternatives. The undergraduate program is multidisciplinary in the sense that it combines numerous fields of science such as biology, chemistry, and applied sciences and then integrates them with environmental sciences. This is to enable the students to apply scientific principles and methodologies in identifying environmental issues and consequently developing ways to resolve them.

The primary focuses of the degree program are:

  • Providing the students with deep knowledge of common environmental problems including their history and the harm they can cause to the environment.
  • Helping students develop the skills necessary to utilise their knowledge of the environmental issues in developing solutions. The ability to formulate solutions to environmental problems is a key characteristic necessary to become a professional in the field.
  • Providing the students with all prerequisites needed in order to enrol for advancement classes for either masters or doctorate qualifications.

Graduates with a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Studies degree immediately become great protectors of the planet. They can share their knowledge to their communities to help in the campaign against brown energy and other harmful products and practices. If we don’t act know our children might be left with a dying planet that can no longer provide for their needs.

Goals of the Degree Program

  1. Provide students with a strong foundation in the fundamental principles and the popular applications of environmental science that will allow them to have easier time completing the more advanced and more difficult courses.


  1. Develop the information gathering, analytical prowess, and critical thinking skills of the students through constant laboratory activities that will increase their practical knowledge and give them an idea on how their life would be if they choose to practice the profession as researchers. The experiments will help enhance their problem solving capabilities.
  1. Provide opportunities for students to engage in research projects that will help them grow and gain deeper knowledge in their field of specialisation.
  1. Provide students with a background in all basic sciences.
  1. Install unto students the necessary perseverance and temperament to perform countless hours of troubleshooting when looking for a solution to a problem.
  1. Install the desire for constant growth.
  1. Keep the students up to date with the latest developments in environmental sciences.

Four General Areas of Employment

Graduates of the undergraduate program can choose among four sectors of the field of environmental scientists to choose from. Graduates are advised to pick the one they are most comfortable with or the one they are most interested in. The four areas are as follows:

  • Conservation and Protection of Natural Resources
  • Environmental Education and Communications
  • Environmental Protection
  • Environmental Research