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Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering

Why Study in a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering Degree Program?

Bachelors of Science in Environmental EngineeringThe call for sustainability has never been louder. This was brought about by the growing awareness that traditional practices are hurting the environment and may in the near future cause the planet to become no longer able to support life. Environmentalists blame disregard for the environment as the main reason why numerous parts of the globe are suffering from the wrath of climate change. Today we are experiencing violent storms and hurricanes as well as downpours in a much more frequent and destructive scale. Many blame the said phenomena to global warming. Professions that promote sustainability are becoming more and more in demand today and one of the said professions is that obtained by accomplishing a degree program in Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering.

Purpose of the Program

The baccalaureate degree program intends to produce quality graduates that can help save and preserve the environment and our natural resources. This is accomplished by educating students on how they can utilise the latest in science and technology to formulate green solutions. The students will learn how to combine science and technology, engineering principles, and environmental ethics to come up with new products or processes that can deliver near the same benefits without causing harm to the environment or without expending material amounts of resources. One example for such innovations is the structure and design of a skyscraper in which it traps cold air to during the night to keep the inside of the building cool during the day hence lowering the need for air conditioning.  The primary goals of environmental engineering can be summarized into three.

1. Reduction in the consumption of resources
The natural resources contained in our planet are not infinite and are in fact very limited. Oil which is one of the most widely used resources for example, might experience huge shortages after just a decade. It is then up to environmental engineers to develop and implement means of extracting, storing, and consuming the said resources in a more efficient fashion.

2. Recycling and reuse of resources
Some resources can be recycled and some resources can be reused. Recycling means utilising a used item in a completely different manner than the way it was first used. Reusing on the other hand means using the same item in the same way over and over again until it is no longer usable. It is up to environmental engineers to devise new strategies and means of recycling and reusing products to slow down the need for the extraction of resources.

3. Minimization of waste
Waste is an undesirable by-product of the extraction, storage, or consumption of resources. Chemicals can cause great harm to Mother Earth. The chemicals in artificial fertilizers and industrial pesticides for example gradually diminish the nourishment of the soil until it becomes completely unable to support plant life on its own. It is up to environmental engineers to develop new and more efficient ways and strategies for waste management and waste disposal.

A Bachelors of Science in Environmental Engineering degree combines science and technology with engineering which is why it is referred to as a double degree as completing it will automatically mean the individual is qualified in both science and engineering industries.

Common areas of concentration are:

  • Astrophysics
  • Atmospheric Science
  • Chemistry
  • Computational Science
  • Ecology and Conservation Biology
  • Genetics
  • Geographical Science
  • Geosciences
  • Marine and Freshwater Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Plant Sciences
  • Statistics
  • Zoology