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Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering – A Degree That Utilizes a Variety of Skills

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

The days when finishing any college degree ensures immediate employment are gone. Times have changed and have become a lot more difficult. This is because globalization has greatly increased the supply of workforce thus making the competition of jobs a lot tighter. A new graduate not only needs to complete with other graduates and also experienced individuals in his field, he also needs to compete with job seekers coming from other countries. Hence, selecting a major that will allow you to tread a smooth career path is now more important than ever. You should choose a path that is high-paying, is in dire need of new professionals, and does not have enough supply of new workers to meet its needs. One of the programs that fit these requirements is Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

High Chance of Success

The probability of success with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering is extremely higher compared to other engineering courses because of the multifaceted characteristic of the program which means the sectors you can enter are very diverse. In fact, you can practice in almost all the fields other types of engineers can because biomedical engineering strategically combines the strategies, techniques, and skills of the its sister programs such as chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and optical engineering. You can immediately start as assistants to the said engineers and even get promoted as heads with a few years of experience and several units in master studies.

Earning Possibilities

Almost immediate employment and financial stability are the primary advantages of finishing the degree program. The average yearly salary for a fresh graduate of the course is more or less $50,000 which is almost at par with that of electrical engineers. Yes, the median salary of electrical engineers is higher than that of biomedical engineers. However, getting employed as the latter is almost assured while getting employed as a former is very difficult and it might take you months or even a year or more to land a job. This is because electrical engineers are already at a surplus. There are simply too many of them. Biomedical engineers on the other hand are quite few and are never enough to fully satisfy the demand for their services. This means that there are always available vacancies.

Difficulty of Jobseeking

The more popular kinds of engineering have existed for decades and they produce thousands of graduates each year. The outstanding graduates are the often the only ones assured of a job while the others are left to fight over the few vacant positions remaining. This can prove to be a huge challenge especially since looking for a job can be very expensive. You may spend material amounts trying to get a job only to have it taken by someone who is only slight better than you in terms of grades or experience. Biomedical engineers never experience this problem. The profession is quite new and companies are often tolerant and patient in training new hires so they are not that strict in terms of grades or experience level. Also remember that as long as there are illnesses and diseases to fight biomedical engineers will always be needed to come up with new treatment as well as new strains of antibodies. And a sickness free world still cannot be seen in the near future so you can be assured the demand will still be huge when you graduate.