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Electrolysis Certificate

How to Acquire an Electrolysis Certificate for a More Prosperous Future

Electolysis Certificate If you are looking a prosperous career in the beauty industry with great opportunities, you may want to consider earning an electrolysis certificate. Many educational institutions, today, are delving into the art of electrolysis to offer students a more secure career opportunity. Before you decide if electrolysis is right for you, you should first get a comprehensive understanding of all that the career encompasses.

Who is An Electrolysis Technician?

An electrolysis technician is an expert who focuses on removing body hair permanently by adding an electrical charge to destroy each distinctive hair follicle. Electrolysis has quickly become one of the most widespread beauty services available today.

The decision making process is generally the most important phase in the journey to acquire your electrolysis certificate. Once you are confident that the career field is right for you, start by contacting credible institutions that offer electrolysis programs. Most cosmetology institutions will have offer electrolysis as a part of a complete program. There are also specialized electrolysis institutions that only admit individuals are looking for a career in electrolysis. While this may vary with each state, typically the course will require that you complete a minimum of 120 to 600 hours of specialized training. The best thing to do is to contact your state’s board of health, and enquire about the requirements.

Courses You Will Have to Complete To Get Your Electrolysis Certificate

The program includes theoretical training and testing on various subject areas such as; Endocrinology, Anatomy, Dermatology, Bacteriology, follicle insertions treatment and Sterilization. The program is geared towards producing graduates with a comprehensive understanding of the career field. Practical training is also included helping graduates learn how to operate the latest specialized equipment. In most institutions, the curriculum will include lecture sessions, practical and theoretical exams, documented videos, in class discussion and various other methods. More focus is placed on giving students adequate practical training so that they can acquire sufficient experience to prepare them for a career as an electrolysis technician. Some institutions will offer internships at spas or hair salons as a part of the program so graduates can be fully prepared for the working world. With commitment and devotion, you can successfully complete the program in one year and while the wait may seem long; you will not regret getting your electrolysis certificate.

Job Outlook

After you have successful completed the journey to acquire your electrolysis certificate, you can begin your career as an electrolysis technician. Generally an entry-level electrolysis technician will make $32,000-$51,000 annually. Further qualifications and experience will affect your annual salary. Getting an electrolysis certificate can lead you to a more prosperous future. Most people will choose to work independently after getting their electrolysis certificate; however there are many salons, medical offices and spas that are seeking the services of certified electrolysis technicians.

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Nail Tech Certificate

Become the Finest Nail Technician

Nail Tech Certificate

Being the best nail technician, means that you have the skills required to make each and every manicure and pedicure client that passes through your hands satisfied. It also implies that you have the competence to start and run a successful salon. For you to acquire and master these skills, you may consider enrolling for a Nail Tech Certificate. The path to attaining this certification involves a rigorous, specialized training and licensing process. The entire program requires that the nail technician goes through a number of training hours.

Where to go

There are various organizations that can offer a Nail Tech Certificate. These include beauty schools which may even offer master nail technician certification, as well as mini certifications on various techniques related to nails. There are other notable schools that offer online certification. As we stated, the work of a nail technician is primarily practical, and, therefore, the online certification program is usually coupled to a periodic practical on-site session. There are also some centers that offer specialized medical nail technician certifications for professionals who will work in clinics and hospitals rather than in a beauty salon.

The Curriculum

To acquire a Nail Tech Certificate, the learner has to undertake several classes and courses that are aimed at instilling the finest professional nail care techniques. Though the online curriculum will differ slightly from the on-site training programs, the objectives of the training are fundamentally the same. The curriculum will cover basic nail techniques, the anatomy of the human nails, and nail diseases and disorders. The learner will additionally take through the salon basics about safety and client handling. Various nail procedures that will be covered include pedicures, manicures, and nail enhancements such as fiberglass, acrylic products and UV gel.

Some distinct topics that may be taught include hand and foot biomechanics, disorders of the hand and podiatry.


The Nail Tech Certificate program may vary from one institution to another. Different institutions may include their own preferred certification material. However, most of them will have a full nail professional kit and step-by-step tutorial that can be found on DVD. Some institutions also have an interactive program that runs online. The certification process will also demand that students take a test and complete assignments that are designed to assess the advancement that the scholar is making. On top of it all, the student will have to do some procedures like manicures and pedicures on clients before getting certified. After passing the final exam, the student may have to do an internship as a nail technician.

 Cost and Requirements

The cost of the Nail Tech Certificate will be reliant on various factors, chief among them, and the institution that you are doing getting the certification from. Similarly, the requirements will be determined by the institution that you enroll in.

Getting a Nail Tech Certificate will make you a competent nail technician will get you a solid client base, and help you achieve the mission and objective of your salon.

Beauty Certificates Beauty Degrees

Hair Stylist Certificate

Get Your Salon Soaring By Getting Certified

Hair Stylist CertificateGetting certification will be a terrific boost to your hairstylist career. In some states, before one can practice as a hair stylist, a Hair Stylist Certificate is a prerequisite. All other jobs in a salon may require certification – well the only exception is if you, of course, are working as a shampooer. Certification is quite beneficial since the training that is involved will turn you into a better stylist, and in the long run, build you a firm client base of satisfied customer who keeps coming back to your salon and bring their friends with them.

How then can one get a Hair Stylist Certificate? It is the aim of this feature to look at becoming a certified hair stylist. You must first understand that your duties as a hair dresser will include providing personal grooming services. This will be inclusive of curling, arranging, and cutting, cleaning, waving coloring, and dressing hair. You may also be called to offer nail and skin care services. On top of all these services, you will be in charge of running and maintaining your salon.

Enrolling in Hair Stylist Certificate Classes

There are numerous are numerous cosmetology schools that will train and offer certification for hair stylists. The program of getting a Hair Stylist Certificate will vary from one institution to another. Some will offer full-time and others part-time study options to their students. Regardless of the program you join, getting certification will not extend to more than two years. You could additionally take an online hairstylist course. The online course is not entirely online and has an on-site practical session that the student will have to go the cosmetology school in person.

Minimum Entry Requirements

Most institutions only require that the learner has been through high school. There could be other additional requirements that may come into play depending on the school you choose to enroll in. Typically, to get a Hair Stylist Certificate, you will be taken through a course in shampooing, coloring, styling, hair care, and design. This may be periodically called for refresher training courses to ensure that you stay in touch with the recent and most current trends in hair care and management. Other than the academic requirements, a hair stylist will be required to be a skilled listener who can satisfy the requirements of the clients. Other skills needed include sales and marketing skills that will help the stylist sell his or her services to clients.

Getting certified

You will have to attend a number of training hours before you can be awarded your Hair Stylist Certificate. This will be inclusive of theory and practical training hours. Apprentice and internship hours may be a prerequisite in some institutions. After you have completed your training hours and passed the final exam, you then have to take licensing examination that assesses your skills and ability as a hair stylist. On passing the exam, you will get your certification.

With a Hair Stylist Certificate, you will be in line for a successful salon and large clientele.

Beauty Certificates Beauty Degrees

Esthetics Certificate

How to Obtain an Esthetics Certificate

Esthetics CertificateThere are two types of Esthetics Certificate in the United States. These are basic and master. All states require estheticians to be certified before they can start working. In case you didn’t know, the esthetician is someone from the beauty services industry who specializes in skin care treatments. Some of the services that esthetician provides include laser treatment, microdermabrasion, facials, and waxing.

In order to get an Esthetics Certificate, the person must be able to satisfy three requirements, education, experience and passing the licensing test. These are required to qualify as an esthetician in the US. The number of hours of education required varies from one state to another but the average for the basic certificate is 650 hours and for master is 1,500 hours.


Esthetician programs don’t award diploma after completion. They have course hour requirement that is met by registering for skin care courses at accredited community college or beauty school. For basic esthetics certificate, you need four months of full-time study that includes courses on skin analysis, skin care treatments, and physical structure of the skin. The master esthetician certificate requires eight months of full study that tackles all the basic courses with the addition of chemical peels, laser skin abrasion, laser hair removal, and microderm abrasions.


The beauty school will try to find you a job in the skin care industry. This will allow you to fulfill the second require for esthetics certificate, experience. It allows you to have hands-on experience to apply the knowledge you’ve learn from the classroom. You must be able to fulfill the requirements of the employer so that he or she will give you a good reference. The experience and reference are vital to finding full time employment after getting the esthetics certificate.

Licensing Exam

The licensing exam for basic esthetics certificate is a mixture of practical and theoretical questions. The test is often in multiple-choice format and a test client. The applicant is judged based on one’s interaction with the client as well as the technical skills displayed during the test.

The exam for master esthetics certificate covers a wider range of topics. The theoretical part is a combination of written answers and multiple choice questions. For the practical part, it involves computer simulations and a test client to see the proficiency and skills of the applicant.

Once you got an esthetics certificate, you can work in a skin clinic, spa, specialty skin office, or a beauty salon. Most master estheticians work with plastic surgeons and dermatologists to help patients recover from the operation. As an esthetician, you must have good interpersonal skills to be about to build a good clientele base and also make them refer you to their friends and family.